Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 6 KenpoX

Today was a crazy day. I was incredibly busy at work which made for a long day. After I picked up my kids and got them fed, I tried to get the lawn mowed before the storms moved in. I almost made it. I decided to put the mower away when it went from dead calm to crazy windy. At least it was a nice warm-up for the workout. I already had a pretty good sweat going when I pushed play tonight. Things started out good with the exception of the stretch, I really hate doing the frog pose because it hurts my knees. My kids were having a difficult time tonight and I had a lot of interruptions and I ended up stopping a little early. Tomorrow is a rest day and I had hopes of running in the morning but it is shaping up to be a jam packed weekend. Should be able to get a run in on Sunday (Father's Day) though.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Days 4 and 5

Dang, I'm a couple of days behind....I've been crazy busy at work and after I get done with my workouts (around 8:30pm) i am ready for bed. Anyways, enough excuses.

So Wednesday started as most days but work got crazy, and I started to stress myself out by the time I got home, I was ready to get rid of some pent up anxiety. What better way to do that than with YogaX. I felt great and was really able to clear my head and focus on what I needed to do. I still can't believe that I sweat that much doing yoga, but man it was rolling off of me after only about 15 minutes. For those that say they don't need to do Yoga when they do P90X, they are sorely mistaken.

Thursday was a good day. A little sore from the night before but felt pretty good, especially as the day progressed. I was actually dreading my workout though. It was my least favorite, Legs and Back....This workout seems like it takes hours to do and my legs were definitely not in the mood...they started shaking on the first exercise and continued all the way to the end. I skipped my Ab Ripper...regretting that now, but what can I do about it now. Tonight is Kenpo X. Can't wait for this. Kenpo X is crazy fun and it flies by. Tomorrow is my "rest" day, but I think I will be going for a run.

Food over the past couple of days has been head has been telling me I'm hungry in the evenings but I know I'm not, so that is a battle right now. That's it for now....more tonight hopefully.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 3

So today was the Shoulders and Arms, and boy are my arms like cooked noodles now. I was unable to pick up my son to take him down to bed. But overall the workout went well, not a big fan of the in-out straight arm shoulder flys but like doing the side tri-rises. Made it all the way through Ab-Ripper tonight....meaning I did all of the different exercises, didn't make it through all the reps but made it further than I did on Sunday.

It was an odd food day today. I was home from work and that always makes things harder for me. I spent a lot of time driving so I had a hard time getting the amount of water in that I normally do. I also had a couple of Popsicles before before I sat down here, which wasn't the best idea probably.

Anyways, after day 3 I feel great. Yoga X tomorrow which I never have enjoyed but we will push through it and get it done. Wish me luck!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 2 Plyometric Hell

I had a feeling it might be a rough day today. Got up at 3:30 to go to work. I did well with all my food and even got all my water in today. Seems to be a lot easier to do at for some reason. Anyways, at about 1 in the afternoon I started dragging and had two cups of coffee. That sure did the trick, at least for a few hours. I was dog tired again by the time I got home at 6. I was still excited to do Plyo though because it is one of the ones I usually like. Shortly after we started, I began wondering to myself what exactly it was about Plyo that I liked, because I sure wasn't enjoying myself too much then. Mary Katherines are one of my least favorite things to do. They are right up there with "rock star hops". But striking the Heisman pose is always fun and there is plenty of that! My legs were on fire from my ankles to my butt. At least my arms got a bit of a break . We both pushed through and made it though, maybe with a couple of extra breaks, but we still made.

Do your best and forget the rest!

Day one...and so it begins!


Woke up this morning feeling pumped to start my second round of P90X today. Started by hopping back into the old routine of breakfast at around 7 (6 egg whites with onions and mushrooms, two whole wheat english muffins, and an apple). It was a busy day around the house with lots of cleaning and laundry to do...Sundays are always a little crazy but made it through it all. I didn't get in very much water throughout the day which would prove to be bad later in the day. I did well eating for the remainder of the day and even had steak for dinner, yum! So 6:30 rolls around and it is time to start the Back and Shoulders routine.

This started a whole lot better than it ended...I started determined to push myself harder than I did the first time around and by the time we had to repeat the exercises I was nearly spent...but I pushed through the pain and exhaustion (helps that my wife was there doing it with me) and dropped to the floor panting and dripping wet after the last exercise...a total of 111 varying push-ups plus a bunch of other exercises, much more than I did 90 days ago. Now that Back and Shoulders are done it is time for Ab-Ripper....ugh. I started out strong but got up to find out the cause of a crying child and felt incredibly ill and light headed....probably the effect of a lack of water throughout the day. Had to call it quits at that point. Went and got my recovery drink and felt a ton better. I definitely won't be making that mistake again.

Monday is Plyo! Looking forward to it!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

4 months ago...

About four months ago, a challenge was set forth by my employer. That every employee run or walk a 5K. I decided then that I was up for the challenge and decided that if I was going to commit to this than I was going to run and not walk. That weekend I decided to start training and went for a short run (1.2 miles) just to see how it would go...well after about a half mile I was in pain, winded, and wanted to throw that point I didn't think that it would be possible for me to finish a 3.1 mile race. A couple people at the office had been getting good results with P90x and a local radio morning show also got great results. This got me to make the order so I anxiously awaited the package to arrive. When it came, i opened it up and started reading all materials and got very excited. I started that Saturday and was immediately sore and energized at the same time for the next day. At about day 85 I ran the Sunburst Races 5k in 30:43! I didn't run the whole thing but I will be running the full 3.1 the next time I do one. I stayed with it for 11 out of the 13 weeks and I din't give it my best all of the time. I still got results but not the ones I wanted and only had myself to blame. And after a week and a half off, my body is pissed and craving more exercise. So, tomorrow my wife and I will be starting round 2 and I will be bringing it the whole time and will be making it the full 90 days. I will be blogging daily about what my experiences are, both good and bad with hopes that it will force me to do it everyday and get the results that I know that the program can deliver.